Total Diet Study on Dietary Exposure to Fluoride

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has published a report from its Scientific Committee which evaluates the consumption of fluoride from the Irish diet. 

The document entitled Total Diet Study 2014-2016: Assessment of Dietary Exposure to Fluoride in Adults & Children in Ireland concludes that, based on scientific evidence, there is no safety concern for children and adults living in Ireland from exposure to fluoride through intake of foods and beverages.

The overall aim of the study was to establish the typical intake of fluoride that the population gets from food and beverages, including tap water. The report’s analysis estimated the level of exposure of different segments of the population to fluoride and from that result then examine if the levels were considered safe or posed any risk to health.

Based on the results of this study, the FSAI’s Scientific Committee has concluded that there is no scientific basis to suggest any concerns from exposure to fluoride from foods and beverages.