David Gregory

David has a portfolio of Non-Executive roles in food and science related businesses and organisations. These include Non-Executive Director of Boparan Holdings (2 Sisters Food Group), a multinational chilled food business, Non-Executive Chairman of Acoura Ltd and a Member of Council and Chair of Audit Committee of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

Milk It for All It's Worth: 60 years of Processing - The Past, the Present and the Art of the Possible

This webinar is organised by IFST Food Science and Nutrition SIG

IFST is celebrating its 60th year this year and what better way to celebrate than to delve into the history of the staples milk and bread.

This first webinar will focus on milk. There will be a broad overview of how it has changed in terms of processing techniques, nutritional composition and even source (non-dairy alternatives) in that time. Following on from that will be a discussion of matrix effects in dairy.

Telling a Sense-ational Story

This event is organised by the IFST Sensory Science Group

Telling a Sense-ational Story

Unlock the power of Storytelling and Communication: in this event via the three speakers’ presentations and discussions, we will explore how to communicate our work and research in various ways to make an impact. Whether you are working in the industry or academia, this event will offer a dynamic platform to learn, share, and grow. This is a face to face event and will include speaker presentations, group discussions, and networking.