Please note: nomnations have now closed
Vacancies for Officers of the Board
As part of IFST's governance cycle, a vacancy for one key Board role will arise, effective from the AGM on 31 March 2023, and nominations are therefore invited from Members and Fellows for the following role:
Follow the link above to read more about this role, responsibilities and time commitment.
Procedure for Nominations by Members and Fellows (Regulation 31 and Article 28(a))
Download nomination form
Please read the Guidance Notes below before making a nomination. Nominations require the signatures (which may be electronic) of two Members or Fellows, plus the nominee’s signature to indicate their consent, verify the information provided and confirm eligibility. Each nomination form is for the nomination of one person. The form may also be obtained in paper format from the IFST Office.
Completed nomination forms should be returned to the Chief Executive at IFST, 5 Cambridge Court, 210 Shepherds Bush Road, London W6 7NJ, UK, e-mail: to arrive not later than 23:59 on 7 January 2023. Return by electronic transmission is acceptable.
Ballot papers will be circulated to all voting members at the start of February 2023 and the result of the ballot will be announced at the AGM, which will be held on 31 March 2023.
Guidance Notes
1. Only professional members (i.e. Fellows or Members, plus Honorary Fellows who were Fellows or Members at the time of their election as Honorary Fellows) in good standing may nominate, be nominated or vote.
2. In the event of a ballot, each candidate will be required to provide a biography (no more than 200 words) and a statement (no more than 300 words), plus photograph (optional), indicating their personal qualities relevant to the role and how these might benefit the IFST, together with any declared interests (see note 4 below). Candidates for Vice President (Membership and Community Engagement) will be asked to submit a short video to support their candidacy, which will be made available to all voting members.
3. Data Protection. It is a condition of standing for election that candidates allow:
- relevant personal details (as provided on the nomination form and subsequent statement for ballot notice) to be published to members in connection with the elections and the outcome thereof;
- their name to be publicised as an Officer within IFST and externally, if successfully elected
- their name be publicised to members including on the IFST website
4. It is a Charity Commission requirement that members involved in IFST business should declare in advance any relevant, vested or potentially conflicting interests including disclosure of an interest in any contract or proposed contract with IFST.
5. Charity Commission restrictions apply on payment to Trustees (except reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses) for services to IFST.
6. IFST's constitutional documents may be downloaded from our website. These documents may also be obtained in paper format from the IFST Office.