EDI Survey - Getting to know our membership

The Institute is totally committed to the principles of equal opportunities, diversity, inclusion and eliminating discrimination in every aspect of our work. We have recently updated our EDI statement and, with the support of our Board EDI champion, Alastair MacGregor, we have set in place a 2-3 year action plan. As a first step, it is vital that we understand where the Institute is right now, in terms of all aspects of our work, from the profile of our membership, through to our governance, our events and the IFST executive team itself.
Critically, we need to start by understanding more about the profile of our membership. We will be sending you a link to our short survey and strongly encourage ALL our members to help us by completing this. Be assured that all data collected through this survey will be collected anonymously. We appreciate some of the questions are very personal. If you are uncomfortable about answering any particular question, you can choose not to answer – each question in the survey includes a "prefer not to answer" option. You will receive a link to the survey in our upcoming monthly newsletter. 

Read our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement here