The IFST Finance Committee Needs You!

The Finance Committee offers a unique opportunity to use the transferable skills which are key in food science & technology to oversee, challenge and support IFST activities. Finance experience is not essential but an ability to analyse risk, review information to direct decisions, challenge process & governance alongside a keen interest in business & developing commercial acumen is. A perfect opportunity for those early in your career and perfect for professional development. Contact Chris Gilbert-Wood with your interest and why you want to join.

Here's a testimony from Vanessa Fursden about her experiences as a part of the committee:

Having joined the Finance Committee following an email from the IFST and speaking to the other members of the IFST & Finance Committee I’ve found it hugely useful in developing my financial understanding. The members have a breath of experience and backgrounds, none of which are financial, which really come to light in critique, thinking and understanding and it has been a surprise as to the transferable skills from all food technology roles that are key in this committee. Financial understanding is not necessary whereas the ability to review information, challenge processes and governance while analysing risk are – all of which are used every day across the food industry.

Over recent meetings, there has been wide ranging discussions the impact of world events on financial investments, how a charity operates that is different to a normal business, publishing, websites, research, links across the food industry and how we deliver for our IFST branches and members. A major benefit of being part of the committee is see the most up to date information and influencing how it is applied to ensure that the IFST continually represents and moves our profession forward through every member.

It has given me much more confidence not only in financial discussions but also on critical thinking, development of strategy and thinking with a broad horizon of impact. Now as the Deputy Chair I am a big advocate for how having a broad experience base can have a positive impact on personal and career development. I’ve also gained some great contacts and mentors through the committee and am excited to see where it leads in the future.