IFST Professional Food Sensory conference: Fast Forward (2013)

Abstracts, presentations and podcasts

Three Game Changers for Sensory: Tweet, Nap and Slow vs. Fast Thinking

Hal MacFie, Hal MacFie Sensory Training LTD

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The freely available R macro offers open access to TWEET messages. The results of a search will be demonstrated and the problems in summarising the data discussed. The possible uses of this tool to a sensory and consumer insights department will be outlined.

Napping is a tool that requests respondents to place products or concepts on a two dimensional grid. It has been called DIY Principal Components Analysis. The analysis by Multiple Factor Analysis is straightforward and a new extension called Ultra Flash Profiling enables descriptors to be placed on the grid.

Nobel prize winning psychologist Kahneman’s book on slow and fast thinking offers possible explanations for some well known biases in Central location Testing. However it also prompts us to realise that blind product testing without expectations analysis may seen as firing at the wrong target.


What’s New in Sensory Food Research in Europe?

Erminio Monteleone, European Sensory Science Society Chair & University of Florence

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Using Discrimination Tests to identify key components of flavour perception - Poster and Presention winner

Perrine Delime, Nottingham University, won with her poster (and presentation)

Download Presentation: PDF


I Second that Emotion

David Penn, MD, Conquest

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Will explore the current state of play in the emotions research scene; what works, what doesn't and what the future might bring.  And I want to explore how we can move brain imaging techniques in a direction that embraces neuroscientific principles without the need for invasive and expensive technology.


Panel Performance and Fast

Lauren Rogers, Lauren Rogers Consultancy, Carol Raithatha, Carol Raithatha Limited & Anne Hasted QI statistics

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The assessment of sensory panel data prior to analysis and reporting is crucial to determine if the data is relevant, reliable and usable. This workshop will outline critical performance measurements, with a focus on sensory profiling. There will be a live data analysis session and several panel performance software packages will be available for use. The session will finish with a discussion about what sort of measures and tools could help to make the process of assessing panel performance faster and easier so as to deliver greater value to stakeholders (managers, panel leaders and panellists).


Concept to Consumer: Fast Direction on Product Sensory Optimisation

Sensory Scientists, Leatherhead Food Research, UK

Download Presentations: PDF (Kano Model) PDF (Ideal Profiling Method)

The aim of this workshop is to demonstrate 2 methodologies; the Kano Model of Customer Satisfaction and Ideal Profiling Method.

The Kano Model of Customer (Consumer) Satisfaction classifies product attributes based on how they are perceived by customers and their effect on customer satisfaction. These classifications are useful for guiding design decisions and concepts in that they indicate the point at which good is good enough, and when more is better. It classifies customer preferences/requirements into 6 categories gathered in 3 main axes: excitement, performance and basic.

The Ideal Profiling Method (IPM) is a sensory methodology which combines perceived and ideal intensities and consumer liking. In this sense, it is a mix of quantitative descriptive analysis (such as QDA®) and JAR scaling except that: compared to QDA®, the sensory profiles of the products are obtained from consumers; compared to JAR, the ideal scores are described explicitly.

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