Member (MIFST)

For Mid-Career Professionals

Become a member of IFST and be a part of a growing community of food professionals. You deserve to be recognised for all your experience – we can help you achieve this as a valued Member of IFST. You will be able to tap into the wide range of expertise of other members through our many specialist groups and networks and through these same channels and share your valuable expertise with others. 

Join IFST to develop your network, play an active role in your profession and take advantage of a unique range of events, resources and benefits. As a Member of IFST, you are entitled to use the designatory letters MIFST.

A guidance document below provides more details about the MIFST application process. If you have any questions about IFST Membership Levels and Professional Recognition, please contact us at

Join us

MIFST Member Benefits

Professional recognition

Scientific knowledge and expertise

Networking and career opportunities

Participation in Board Elections

  • Gain voting rights
  • Stand as to be elected to governance committees
  • Become assessors for professional registers
MIFST - Guidance Document.pdf