IFST Food Regulatory Group: 'Diving into Due Diligence' - Speaker Presentations

Organised by IFST's Food Regulatory Group 

Many companies do not know what they should be doing in terms of Due Diligence and they are not aware of who can assist. A lot of education is thus required. The event discussed the theory and realities of due diligence, what to do in the event of an issue and the potential penalties if due diligence is not followed.his

Speaker Presentations


The theory of due diligence, its necessity under food law and implications if it is not followed

Richard Hyde, Professor of Law, Regulation and Governance, University of Nottingham


Corrective and preventive actions: Managing the immediate and protecting the future

John Figgins, Technical Specialist on Food, BRCGS


Practicalities: Why enforcers use the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 for food safety cases and the effect of this on due diligence

Kathryn Gilbertson, Partner and Head of Regulatory, Greenwoods GRM LLP


