Innovation Models

IDEO Book: The Field Guide to Human Centred Design

Explaining the basics of human centred design, this textbook is not specific to food innovation but covers the principles that apply to product development and innovation

IDEO: Article on What is Design Thinking

Article written by the chair of IDEO covering the basics of design thinking, definitions, how it can be used and signposts to resources

The Six I's of Innovation: YouTube channel explaining the 6 I's

Complimenting IFST's webinar on the 6 I's of innovation, this offers more information on the various styles

TED Talks Collection: 8 Ways to Fuel Innovation

A collection of TED talks about creativity

TED Talk: External Innovation Basics from an R&D Expert

TED talk on innovation and creativity

IFST Webinar: There are 6I's in Innovation

IFST Food Innovation SIG webinar covering the 6 I's and a structured approach to enhancing a business' ability to carry out a successful innovation process

IFST Webinar: Ideation that works (and virtually)

IFST Food innovation SIG webinar on what to consider when planning and running an ideation session, even when this is done virtually. The presenter is McConnon a front-end innovation consultant

IFST Spring Conference 2021: Embracing a Culture of Data-Driven Continuous Improvement

IFST's Spring Conference (2021) talk on continuous improvement that is data driven by Hesselberg, co-founder of Comparative Agility – covering the traits of a high performing team and how to create a strategy to develop them in teams

Book: How to Future, Leading and Sense-Making in an Age of Hyperchange

A guidebook to futuring that arms you with tools, strategies and practices that illuminate new strategic pathways

Kerry: Design Thinking and Food Innovation

Aubanel (Kerry's Global Ingredients Flavour Development Manager) uses the process now called ‘design thinking’. Rather than plotting a straight course toward an adequate solution, it asks you to consider changing variables on the quest for the best idea

Harvard Business Review: What Your Innovation Process Should Look Like

For innovation to contribute to a company or government agency, it needs to be designed as a process from start to deployment. When organizations lack a formal innovation pipeline process, project approvals tend to be based on who has the best demo or slides, or who lobbies the hardest. A canonical Lean Innovation process inside a company or government agency would include sourcing, curation, prioritization, hypothesis testing and exploration, incubation, and integration

Cleverism: The Innovation Process: Definition, Models, Tips

Innovation is stereotypically viewed to be the wheelhouse of small and start-up companies since they tend to be very dynamic, but it is also a vital and viable aspect in big companies. This article gives a broader business perspective

Paper: Innovation Models in Food Industry, A Review of The Literature

Innovation is considered as one of the main elements of a company’s success. In recent years it has assumed a relevant role including in the food industry that was defined as a mature and slow-going sector. This paper analyses the different models applied to the food sector with a systematic review of literature (from 2016 to 2020)

The roadmap to new product development for the food industry (

This blog breaks down what each phase looks like in food product development

Food Innovation: How and Why do we Innovate Food? (

Food innovations keep the market relevant and exciting by finding more ways of addressing safety, security, and sustainability issues. This article discusses some of the most exciting innovative food science and emerging technologies taking over the food industry

How Can You Implement Innovations in the Food Industry? | SciTech Connect (

Fills the gap between strategy developers and technical Research and Development (R&D) associates by interpreting the technological adequacy of innovative techniques with the reaction of related consumers

Book: Innovation management and New product development

A textbook on innovation and product development

Paper: Tool to Support Citizen Participation and Multidisciplinarity in Food Innovation, Circular Food Design

The newly developed circular food design model visualises an iterative approach meant to be a flexible and creative tool to structure the new food development, which can support a way of thinking that will lead to multidisciplinary and citizens participating in this area. Links with design thinking is also addressed

Iowa State University: Food Product Development Lab Manual

A practical how-to guide illustrating the process of developing a new food product from ideation and formulation to processing and lastly commercialisation. This eBook highlights the overall process and gives instructions for each of the steps along the way